Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Something interesting happened yesterday. There was a 4-H meeting at our church building. My husband, the minister, went home to work in peace. As we were leaving, a man came by asking for the pastor. One of the ladies sent him to me as the pastor's wife. He wanted to talk to my husband, he worked for the city. So I thought there was some problem with the utilities and offered to call hubby. The man's face lit up and he asked, "Could you really do that?" "Sure," I responded. So as I called and waited for it to be picked up, I asked the man what the problem was. He said he needed prayer. He got on the phone and talked to my husband, they prayed, the man became very emotional, he hung up, thanked me and left. I later asked my husband what it was about. It seems that a family member asked this man for some money. He went in the house and got some for him. Later, the family member came in and stole the safe. Now he has to tell the family what this person did, and he is upset to have to tell everyone. He wanted someone to pray with him about telling the family what happened. It was so encouraging to see someone come for that kind of help. So often people come by or call and want a hand-out. I certainly understand sometimes needing financial help or food, but so often it seems expected that we must help them. It reminds me of Jesus asking why people followed him, and some followed because they knew he could give them bread and fish. They just wanted a hand-out. Jesus offers so much more: peace, comfort, friendship. They come for water, not knowing living water is flowing past their door. Yesterday was a very hot day, and Jesus gave a refreshing drink to a thirsty man.

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