Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I haven't tried it yet, but a friend told me yesterday about a new way to make omelettes. You put the mixture in a freezer bag and then put it in boiling water for 13 minutes. It comes out perfectly. That way you can do several omelettes at one time. She said it is important that you use a freezer bag- the others explode! --------- Yesterday was interesting. We had a 4-H meeting and all of the mothers had been having a rough several days. One had been at the dentist that day for 3 hours with 4 young children- that would definitely be a bad day! But the others of us have prepubescent boys and we seem to be having the same issues. So last night a few of us got together to commiserate and share ideas. I was remembering before I went to meet them that I once heard a mother of 6 sons talk about how to discipline boys. She said do not physically strike them or put them in time out, even grounding can be rough. Those punishments just show them how powerless they are, and often put a female over their maleness. Instead, she said, have them do physical punishments, like running or push-ups. So for several years now we have done that. Just a couple of weeks ago I had them doing 15 push-ups each in the freezer section of Food Lion. It does seem to give them time to think about changing their behavior and also giving them some physical release. Today the hard labor is to scrape paint on the front porch. I guess we will skip the gruel today.

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