Sunday, September 02, 2007

There's just nothing like an hour and a half in bed on a Sunday afternoon. When I start getting the "baby bug" I just have to remember how many years go by without a Sunday afternoon nap, and the bug doesn't bite so hard. It was a long month- August- and though I had fun, I am glad it is over. Would you believe that Friday, after a week of mornings together with the same friends, a field trip with them on Tuesday to Durham, and a co-op together on Friday afternoon, my boys still wanted to go to their house and build a tree house together? One of the kids responded, "Why wouldn't we? Friends never get tired of each other." I wasn't here when they came back 4 1/2 hours later, but Hubby tells me they were sweaty and smelly. They told me the next day they worked until they couldn't see anymore. So now it is September and we are enjoying a mild day. It was cool this morning, with a hint of autumn on the plum leaves. By the time church let out it was about 85 degrees, but the humidity was low. There is a different air blowing, finally. Now if we can just have a little rain to fill the ponds and lakes. I guess it is too late for the farmers, but at least the drought could be over. Well you are probably wondering why I needed such a long nap today when I was going to spend Saturday in bed to recover from August. I didn't spend it in bed. No one is surprised, I know. I saw on Friday that a friend was having a yard sale on Saturday and I called to see if I could join her. I had been wanting to have a sale on Saturday, but I just didn't seem able to get to it in time. So I threw things together and joined her. The boys went through their things as well and we all made a little money. #1 made $10, #2 made $17, and I made $110. My money goes toward the furniture I have to pay off by March. #1 is saving for a book and #2 will blow his on whatever suits his fancy when he has the money in his pocket. I am trying to break him of that but it isn't going so well. He actually made a little more than that, but at the sale he spent it as fast as it came in. He wanted a Beanie Baby my friend was selling. I allowed one item and no more---we are cleaning out, not gathering! was my mantra. I started calling him Floyd for my father-in-law; neither one can resist a stuffed animal. After the sale we went to the movies to see Mr. Bean on Holiday. We are Bean fans; I guess you have to be to enjoy it enough for a movie theater. As we were leaving the theater, I thought, "Oh how wonderful! I don't have to do anything this week." A while later I remembered 4-H, HOME meeting, co-op registration, Geography co-op, a picnic, registering for soccer, and I didn't feel so free and relaxed anymore. So tomorrow's holiday may be spent trying to deal with issues at home so I can be relaxed the rest of the week; or maybe we'll go to the beach!

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