Thursday, September 27, 2007

School today is going to be a math test and lots of home economics lessons. I have had a stomach bug for 2 days and now the house has fallen apart. With leaving town next week and the whole family coming for a day, I feel like I have to get things in order today. Tomorrow is co-op and we are always gone all day long with that. We love it, but it does make a long day. Last night's discussion was about sexuality. The author was stressing that purity is a response to Jesus's life, not because you don't want to get pregnant or get a disease. It was interesting to hear the view from my friend the doctor. For her, though it is about God's plan, it is very much about disease protection. She said she sees patients who say their sexual history is small- maybe 10 partners. That sounds big to me. The other part of the author's view was not to be shocked by the world's perception of sexual behavior. I suppose if what you are looking for is touch and comfort, then 10 partners isn't much. But if you are looking for intimacy, it is way too many. The world may know a lot about sex, but intimacy and lovemaking is another thing.

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