Sunday, September 16, 2007

I often spend time on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings in prayer for my husband. I ask that God will speak through him to those in the audience, that they will hear God speaking to them. Today someone stopped and told hubby that she felt like he was talking right to her. It's nice to hear a prayer answered- at least I hope it was God that she was hearing. Answered prayers, noticeably answered prayers, are not a common occurence. I have prayed for years that my brother would give his life to Christ; he hasn't yet. I have prayed for more children for at least 6 years now, and God has given them to me in other people's children. I have asked for 15 years that God would provide a teaching position for Matt at a college. He sometimes gets to teach at the local community college, but he doesn't have a "teaching position." I prayed for about 3 years that #1 would sleep through the night, perhaps I wasn't specific enough. I do believe that God hears my prayers. I also believe that he wants the best for me, and that he does truly want me to be happy. I know that I prayed children to be in our backyard at the last house and we were overrun with children. I prayed for a farm here and land for the kids and dog to run. We certainly have that. I once prayed for #1's leg to grow- it was shorter than the other- and it did grow by the next doctor appointment. God has answered prayers for material things, relationships, illness, peace, patience, guidance, and more. I guess that is what keeps me praying. I know that he hears me and loves me. I know that he is able to do so much more than I ever expect. So I continue to pray for the future wives' of my sons, that they will serve God every day of their lives. I pray for a healthy nephew and easy delivery for Polly. I continue to ask God for children, for a teaching position for Matt, for Todd's salvation. And that God will be heard speaking to us on Sunday, even every day.

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