Monday, September 03, 2007

Well the plan right now is to work this morning and then head to the beach this afternoon. I can't let a day get away from me without some work, but it is a holiday! So we will try to combine work and play into our day. I need to go through things in the attic. That's where I keep all of our schooling materials. Tomorrow is a HOME meeting and I will try to sell some things there. I was in the attic last week getting some things out and realized there is a lot up there that I have good intentions of using but know deep down that I won't. So why not sell them and let someone else have good intentions? The boys are in crisis. They got rid of some things out of their room in the yard sale, and now they don't know how to clean the room. They used to just throw everything in the desk or toy box and we sold both of those. So today they are getting a lesson on organizing. I hate these lessons! I honestly do not think my mom taught me that; I just knew how. It is not a part of their innate behavior, however.

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