Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sometimes I feel like I have things under control. The house is clean, the kids are washed, school is great, the laundry is done; and then there are times that I lose any trace of control. I seem to be in the latter stage right now. I wanted the boys to clean out their room because once again it had gotten beyond safety regulations. It has been several days now that we have been working on it. I wanted to take it slow so that I wouldn't lose patience and yell at them like I do every other time. The problem seems to be that they have too much stuff. I know I say that every time, and we do get rid of things, but there seems to be more and more to add to what we keep. So now the hallway is full of stuff, the room is still not clean, and I have lost control of the rest of the house in order to try and clean out their room! Ugh. Actually it isn't all their room's fault. We started back to "real" school this week now that camps are over, and that leaves school things all over the table. I also started cleaning out the attic of things that I have good intentions using in school, but know deep down that I won't. So the hallway is full of those things too. I did sell a few things last night at the meeting and I gave away some things. Then we had to go through clothes to get some pants out for #2 that fit, so clothes are hanging around in large lumps. It all adds up to one big mess. Sorry for all of the complaining. I just wanted to make all of you homemakers feel better that you aren't the only one with a messy house.

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